Wednesday, December 2, 2009

News notices to Township

Have a very Happy Holidays.
Harold Emerson, Supervisor had knee surgery and is reovering fine.
The tax levies are completed and at the county office and should be printed and out to you in a few days.
Coming with the taxes will be the dates of pick-up for the recycling and a newsletter on the school levies, Town Board, Smart Growth Board, Fire Warden, Elec tions for 2010,etc. News residents may be interested in having.
Much appreciate all of you working for us to have a good township.
May things go well in 2010
The Town Board of Bear Creek

Approved minutes to November 2009 Town Board Meetings

November 9,2009
The meetings were called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Marty McCluskey.
Present included Harold Emerson and Jeff Scallon Supervisors; Sheila Tafs, Treasurer; and Eileen Eberle , Clerk and 2 men as guests.
The Proposed Budget Meeting was held with discussion of the budget.
The Public Hearing of the Budget was held and any concerns of the budget were raised and defined and accepted.
The Adoption of the 2010 Budget Meeting was held and a motion made by Harold Emerson to adopt the budget which was carried and the budget was adopted. Tim McCluskey was present for this meeting. These meetings were published and posted. The Town froze the amount of their levy for next year to be the same as this year.
The Township of Bear Creek then held its regular monthly meeting Monday November 9th, 2009 at the Bear Creek Town Hall with the meeting called to order following the budget meetings , by Chairman Marty McCluskey.
Present included : Harold Emerson and Jeff Scallon, Supervisors; Sheila Tafs, Treasurer; Tim McCluskey, Patrolman; and Eileen Eberle, Clerk.
Minutes to the last meeting were read by the Clerk. Motion to approve as read was made by Harold Emerson , 2nd, and carried.
Treasurer’s report was given by the treasurer.Motion to approve as presented by Jeff Scallon , 2nd, and carried.
Road work being done was discussed. Sand, salt,etc. ordered for the winter season. Discussion of putting in a holding bunker for the salt and sand which is being built.
A survey and driveway permit didn’t have the paper work back to the board. .
The fire-departments were paid in November for their full levy for 2009. 50% to Plain and 25% to the Town of Washington..
The December town board meeting was set for December 1, 2009.
Rural Mutual Insurance was paid their 2nd half of their premium for 2009.
There was a levy limit from the state on the amount raised for Town Budget. We are within the limit.
Population of Bear Creek is 591 with approximate number of those of voting age of 428.
Dan Ruetten needs to pay $12,048.54 in Managed Forest Land withdrawal fees and these will be added to his taxes.
There will be 4 Elections in 2010.
The recycling sheets for 2010 should be coming and need to be given to Sheila to mail with the taxes.
The $6.00 check came for the Veteran’s Grave at the Ward Cemetery and was given to the treasurer. This was created by President Abraham Lincoln.
A check was written to Wiesers for the Salt/Sand Storage Shed for $12,632.00..
Shelly Scallon was paid for her work at the Ward Cemetery.
Clerk put together a newsletter for the residents and had board make sure addresses,etc. were all correct. Needs the web site on it yet. These will go out with the taxes.
The levies are coming for the schools and the county for the taxes for this year.
Bills were paid as presented and approved by the board.
Motion was made at 8:45 P.M. by Sheila Tafs to adjourn the meeting, 2nd and carried. Chairman McCluskey adjourned the meeting.
Recorded this 9th day of November , 2009 by Clerk of Bear Creek Township
Mrs. Lawrence (Eileen)Eberle
